Sovereign Citizen Ideology is Tricknowledge
A perversion of Truth. The æthers vibrating ever slowly.
It is a disservice to the realm of Nationalism to identify oneself according to the Logic and application of being a "Sovereign Citizen."
You can be one, the other, however without a Governing Administration, you cannot be both in the same breath.
*Sovereignty is Private Organization established to protect assets from foreign influence.
*Citizenship is One's Member Status in a Society.
Sovereign Citizenship, is the Independent Organization of Equally Ranked members of a society, identifying as a United In Cause Body-politic, for the securitization and benefit of its members.
By the Organization of the People, they have established a State-hood (Familial Estate) with which to carry out the Will of the People.
Someone affiliated with this ideology, could be deemed a "Sovereign-State Citizen." The "State" being the Proxy that appropriately combines the two concepts to create a Lawful Expression.
A Sovereign Citizen, however, does not concern themself with any Unified State (of Mind), and attempts to force upon a civilized world, a status that is unknown and not recognized by any sound reason or logic.
The Sovereign Citizen Activism attempts to enforce the Principles of Sovereign Citizenship, yet it lacks the substance required to fully materialize its Concept. Without a State, One may be Sovereign, but without a State, there is no Membership to claim.
Many Sovereign Citizen Identity Extremists have a perverted interpretation of Sovereign Citizenship, claiming to be free from Government Administration, yet seeking recognition as a Citizen of no Government residing in the Estate territories of government respecting, law-abiding Civilians.
In the MOORISH DIVINE AND NATIONAL MOVEMENT OF THE WORLD, The Concept of Sovereign Citizenship is ASTUTE; all the components of State affiliation, National Allegiance, and strict law adherence, etc , are outlined clearly. And the Concept of Sovereign Citizenship has been preserved in the assertion of what has been termed "Free National Citizenship."
Free, is relative to Privacy , Security, Sovereignty.
National, is relative to the State "Hood" shared by all of the Members of the Familial Estate Union
Citizenship is relative to the Ranks shared between a law-full organized group of people, sharing various forms of like-minded continuity, connecting all to One.
Free-National Citizenship, is a Concept established and applied by Abraham Lincoln, in His organization of the Republican National Federation, Called FREE NATIONALS UNION.
A Sovereign Citizen has no Sovereign Commercial Enterprise with which to be a "Member-Citizen" of.
Many of the Principles of Sovereign Citizenship can be observed within the assertions of the so-called Sovereign Citizen Activism, but that does not equate its Activism to the exclusive interpretation of Sovereign Citizenship.
We here at the American Nationals University For Economic Industries Network, do not desire to amalgamate with unclear doctrine, nor do we desire to give our contribution to ineffective counsel, for we have bore witness to the plain Truth, in accordance with the US Constitution, and all 50 States Constitutions, the Collective Free National Government USA.
In order to be a Man or A Woman of God, which IS The Law, you must have descended from a Nation, and that Nation, must be one recognized by the Universal Law of Trusts and Estates.
An Estate, is a State which identifies its members as an heir to the Economy of its stakeholders.
If you are NOT a citizen of any State, no Sovereignty Status can be forced upon a State which has sovereign power, member numbers, and is authorized by the People's Will to make and enforce Covenant Law upon its Nationals. Because there is none else bearing witness to the Self declared Out-Law.
Redemption is by observance of prescribed Law.
And we are returning back to the ancient state of our ancestors Divine and national standards. That we may receive our Divine Rights as Recognized Citizens of Equal Standing and Force in America and Abroad.
There are some Moors who have mixed the Sovereign Citizen doctrine with the Free National Citizen doctrine of the True American Law of the Lands, Air and Waters. Knowingly or unknowingly, and due to their misinterpretations of the Redemption Process as laid down by Noble Drew Ali, have burdened the still-unlearned in Commercial Enterprise Moslems seeking the truth, with distraction, exile, and everything that harms.
Be Careful, Dear American National Union Members, some of your fellow Statesmen have been teaching a path they themselves have not tread, and if one has not gone beforehand, they cannot truly prepare the way.