"There is but one issue needed for the Salvation of my people... Declare your Nationality and be linked back with the Estates of the Most High."


State Your Financial Position for the record, on the record, and let the record reflect. This is how Fraternal Order operates, this is the Way, the Truth, the Life. !Redemption Song!

Ds 11 Pdf
PDF – 1.8 MB 12 downloads
F 56 Pdf
PDF – 90.1 KB 11 downloads
Resolution 75 Pdf
PDF – 50.2 KB 11 downloads

"Seek Ye FIRST the Kingdom of God, and all His Righteousness and all these things shall be added unto You."

Declare Your National Allegiance, receive your National Identity, and pursue the life, liberally and happily.

Sovereign, Ministerial, and Diplomatic Status as a Nationally and Internationally Protected Investor in the National Economy of America.

This is how we express our Trust. DS-11 and Declaration of National Allegiance fulfils the requirements of Secured Party, Creditor, Executive Ruler, beneficiary, and Inherent Grantor of the Trust in Your Good Name.

Form-56 is to appoint Fiduciaries

According to the Religious Authority of Your Conscience. And Religion is the Economy of Human Life, The Life of Love is the Law and the Law MUST Live.

Be yourselves, The Handler of one's own affairs. And be thrice blessed, for you will have Perfected Your Person as a Religious Corporation, Immanu'El, The Grantor, The Trustee, and the Beneficaire. One of We The People 

The All is One. The Ruler is the Expressed Thoth, the Caused of All effect.

"And I will continue to work day and night, for your good, in both the public and private. And I am your affectionate leader, Prophet Noble Drew Ali"

Drafting a Ministerial Trust requires careful consideration of the trust's purpose, terms, and applicable laws. Here's a general outline to help you get started:

*I. Introduction*

1. *Header*: Include the trust's name, date, and location.

2. *Recitals*: Provide background information, such as the purpose of the trust and the parties involved.

*II. Article 1: Definitions*

1. Define key terms, such as:

    1. "Ministry" or "Minister"

    2. "Trustee"

    3. "Beneficiaries"

    4. "Trust Property"

*III. Article 2: Purpose and Objectives*

1. Clearly state the trust's purpose and objectives, such as:

    1. Supporting the ministry's charitable activities

    2. Providing financial support for the minister or other ministry leaders

*IV. Article 3: Trust Property*

1. Describe the property or assets to be held in trust, such as:

    1. Real estate

    2. Investments

    3. Personal property

*V. Article 4: Trustee*

1. Identify the trustee(s) and their responsibilities, including:

    1. Managing the trust property

    2. Making distributions to beneficiaries

    3. Keeping records and reporting

*VI. Article 5: Beneficiaries*

1. Name the beneficiaries of the trust, which may include:

    1. The ministry or organization

    2. The minister or other ministry leaders

    3. Specific individuals or groups

*VII. Article 6: Distribution of Trust Property*

1. Outline the rules for distributing the trust property, including:

    1. Frequency and timing of distributions

    2. Percentage or amount of distributions

    3. Conditions for distributions

*VIII. Article 7: Trustee Powers and Duties*

1. Describe the trustee's powers and duties, such as:

    1. Managing investments

    2. Maintaining records

    3. Filing tax returns

*IX. Article 8: Amendment and Termination*

1. Outline the procedures for amending or terminating the trust, including:

    1. Conditions for amendment or termination

    2. Required approvals or notifications

*X. Article 9: Governing Law*

1. Specify the laws of which state or jurisdiction will govern the trust.

*XI. Execution*

1. Include space for the signatures of the parties involved, such as the settlor (the person creating the trust) and the trustee(s).


Please note that this is a general outline, and you should consult with an attorney or legal professional to ensure that your Ministerial Trust is properly drafted and compliant with applicable laws..