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Economic Security


The doctrine of economic security is by no means as widespread and intensive among Americans of our group as the circumstances demand, and the more written and said on the subject, the better. We need to more earnestly urge conscientious support of the business men and women of our group in their chosen fields of endeavor. The greater the success of their business enterprises, the more open gates of opportunity there will be for our youth of today and tomorrow. Think of this fact: we need to urge that our business men and women build on the principle of service. We need to urge greater cooperation among them to render courteous, honest and efficient service to the buying public. They should not expect any support in patronage, merely on the grounds that they are race men and women in business, but for the reasons that the service and the quality of their goods and products they sell are equal in value to the service and merchandise offered to the buying public by any other business people. There should be maintained a co-operative spirit among our business men and women to keep their business places as clean and sanitary as any similar places in any other section of the city. Citizens of our group should cultivate a sound vision when it comes to the necessity of buying professional service, merchandise, provisions, etc. We should look beyond the direct result and object for which we invest our money. We should lose sight of the mere fact that we received a dollars’ worth for a dollar spent. We should keep firmly in mind the necessity of keeping each dollar spent as much as possible within the spheres of our own activities where they will create further openings of business enterprises and wider opportunities for the men and women of our group to procure soundly remunerative employment. Forward, must be the watchword of the seller and buyer alike. We make the money and we spend the cash. Let us sincerely cooperate one with the other. "Our plight will change when we change ourselves." 


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The Moorish Americans Economic Security Immanu'El VOLUME I contains within it the revealed guidance of our ancient forefathers Divine and National Creed. Commercial Enterprise. The Father's Business. Moslem American Estates. Free National Citizens. Tailored to the individuals national government.

It is the Adept Program for ANU ERA OF TIME.

Trust and Estate Planning Principles. Wills and Testaments. Professing (proclaiming and practicing) the Divine Truth, That the Pattern Creator and its Material Creditors have the same Status in Law and Equity. Declaring Allegiance to the National Government in which you live, exerting one's Authority to worship according to his own liberty of Conscience, and redeeming the Spirit, which resurrects the Mind, and re-legions the Body.

Prepared by the Professor, Brandon Eugene Davis-Eli


How to nationalize according to the Divine Warning By The Prophet For All of the American and Universal Nations, in Anu Era of Time.

This manual was put together by Tom Shaun for educational purposes only and not legal advice.

Economically, the concept of debtor and creditor selves can have significant implications for individuals, communities, and nations. Here's how it applies economically, specifically within the context of the Moorish Divine and National Movement:

*Debtor Self*

1. *Financial dependency*: Historically, Moorish Americans have been subjected to economic exploitation, forced labor, and limited access to resources, leading to financial dependency and a debtor mentality.

2. *Limited economic opportunities*: Systemic barriers, such as discriminatory lending practices, limited job opportunities, and inadequate education, have restricted economic mobility and perpetuated the debtor self.

3. *Consumerism and debt*: The emphasis on consumerism and material possessions can lead to overspending, debt accumulation, and a sense of financial insecurity, reinforcing the debtor self.

*Creditor Self*

1. *Economic empowerment*: The Moorish Divine and National Movement promotes economic empowerment through self-sufficiency, entrepreneurship, and cooperative economics, helping individuals to transition from a debtor to a creditor mentality.

2. *Wealth creation and accumulation*: By focusing on wealth creation and accumulation, individuals can build assets, invest in their communities, and develop a sense of financial security, embodying the creditor self.

3. *Financial literacy and education*: The movement emphasizes the importance of financial literacy and education, enabling individuals to make informed decisions about their economic lives and assert their creditor selves.

*Reconciliation and Redemption*

1. *Economic self-determination*: Recognizing and asserting economic self-determination is crucial for reconciling the debtor and creditor selves. This involves taking control of one's economic life, making informed decisions, and building wealth.

2. *Community-based economics*: The Moorish Divine and National Movement promotes community-based economics, encouraging individuals to invest in and support local businesses, cooperatives, and initiatives that benefit the community.

3. *Redemption through economic justice*: Ultimately, redemption from the debtor self requires economic justice, which involves addressing systemic inequalities, promoting fair economic practices, and ensuring equal access to resources and opportunities.

In conclusion, the economic application of the debtor and creditor selves within the Moorish Divine and National Movement emphasizes the importance of economic empowerment, self-determination, and community-based economics. By recognizing and asserting their creditor selves, individuals can transcend the limitations of the debtor self and build a more prosperous and equitable economic future. 

-Professor Brandon Davis-Eli 

★The Great Meeting Is On!★


From a legal standpoint, the "Meeting of the Minds" declared by Noble Drew Ali can be interpreted in several ways:

_Legal Interpretations_

1. _Treaties and Agreements_: In law, a "meeting of the minds" refers to the mutual understanding and agreement between parties to a contract or treaty. Drew Ali's declaration might symbolize the creation of a collective agreement or treaty among Moorish Americans, outlining their rights, responsibilities, and collective goals.

2. _Jurisprudence and Legal Precedent_: The Meeting of the Minds could represent a moment when Moorish American leaders and community members come together to discuss and establish legal precedents, challenging existing laws and policies that impact their community.

3. _Nationality and Sovereignty_: Drew Ali's movement emphasized the importance of Moorish American nationality and sovereignty. The Meeting of the Minds might signify a moment when community members gather to discuss and assert their national identity, claiming their rights and dignity as a distinct nation.

_International Law and Human Rights_

1. _International Cooperation_: The Meeting of the Minds could represent a moment when Moorish American leaders engage in international cooperation, seeking support and solidarity from other nations and organizations to address human rights concerns and promote recognition of their national identity.

2. _Human Rights Advocacy_: Drew Ali's declaration might symbolize a call to action for human rights advocacy, as Moorish Americans come together to demand recognition of their rights and dignity under international law.

_Sovereignty and Self-Governance_

1. _Sovereignty and Autonomy_: The Meeting of the Minds could represent a moment when Moorish Americans assert their sovereignty and autonomy, demanding the right to self-governance and control over their own affairs.

2. _Self-Determination_: Drew Ali's movement can be seen as part of the broader movement for self-determination and national recognition. The Meeting of the Minds might signify a moment when Moorish Americans come together to demand recognition of their right to self-determination and national identity.

Here are some additional interpretations of the "Meeting of the Minds" from a legal standpoint, focusing on Moorish American contexts:

_Nationality and Citizenship_

1. _Asserting Nationality_: The Meeting of the Minds might represent a moment when Moorish Americans collectively assert their nationality, distinguishing themselves from other groups and claiming their unique heritage and identity.

2. _Citizenship and Jurisdiction_: Drew Ali's declaration could symbolize a discussion around citizenship and jurisdiction, as Moorish Americans explore their relationship with the United States government and assert their rights as a distinct nation.

_Lawful Rebellion and Resistance_

1. _Challenging Unjust Laws_: The Meeting of the Minds might represent a moment when Moorish Americans come together to challenge unjust laws and policies that impact their community, asserting their rights and dignity under the law.

2. _Non-Compliance and Resistance_: Drew Ali's declaration could symbolize a call to non-compliance and resistance against oppressive systems, as Moorish Americans assert their sovereignty and autonomy.

_Treaties, Agreements, and Compacts_

1. _Treaty Rights_: The Meeting of the Minds might represent a moment when Moorish Americans discuss and assert their treaty rights, claiming their heritage and identity as a distinct nation.

2. _Compacts and Agreements_: Drew Ali's declaration could symbolize the creation of compacts and agreements between Moorish Americans and other nations or organizations, outlining mutual responsibilities and obligations.

These interpretations highlight the complexities and nuances of the "Meeting of the Minds" within Moorish American contexts, emphasizing themes of nationality, sovereignty, and lawful rebellion.