Welcome to the American Nationals University For Economic Industries Network
Join us in spreading the Faith of MuHaqqa and learning the Profession of Equity in Commercial Enterprise. Discover how to improve your economic condition.
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[Brandon Davis-El]

In order to guide the unfoldment of the minds of the people, you must confirm the literature to the times they are in.
The foundation of Colorable Policy Enforcement Doctrine [Magna Charta] began in Rome. The Roman Nationals founded the first Unethical National Order, of whom vexatiously litigated against Immanu'El of Nazars, for seeking to redeem His people from under the Roman yoke and law.
Immanu'El himself was one of the True blood of the ancient Canaanites and Moabites and the inhabitants of Africa. (North Africa, Asia and Europe [Yuroba] Estates under MOORISH DOMINION.)-WHITE, PURE AND CLEAN NATIONAL CHARACTER.
Seeking to redeem His people in those days from the pressure of the pale skin nations of Europe, Rome prosecuted Him according to colorable law.
Then Europe had peace for a long time until Al MuHaqqah the Reformer came upon the scene and fulfilled The works of 'Eesaa of Nazars. (Byzantine Empire falls 05/29/1453)
The National Redemption Activism (Common Law) teachings of Immanu'El was to the common (National ) people (States Citizens), to redeem them from under the great pressure of the hands of the unjust. That the rulers and the rich would not oppress the poor. Also that The Lion and the lamb may lay down together and neither would be harmed when morning came.
These teachings were not accepted by the rulers, neither by the rich; because they loved the principles of the ten commandments.
Through the ten commandments the rulers and the rich live, while the poor suffer and die.
The lamb is the poor people, the lion is the rulers and the rich, and through Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice all men are one and equal to seek their own destiny; and to wrought under their own National Constitution. After the principles of the Holy and divine laws of their forefathers' More Perfect Union.
All nations of the Earth in these modern days are seeking Equity, but there is but one True and Divine Way that Equity may be obtained in these days, and it is through Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice (Exclusive Equity) being taught universally to all nations, in all lands.

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About us
American Nationals University For Economic Industries Network is dedicated to spreading knowledge and promoting economic empowerment through the teachings of Muhaqquqin; Equity in Commercial Enterprise. Our mission is to help individuals improve their economic conditions and achieve financial prosperity.
MuHaqq, is one Who does Equity Exclusively.