There is but one issue for my people to be recognized as Fellow American Citizens, and that's through the proper implementation of Islamic economic practices within our societies. 

Together we have standing, divided we dishonor our ancient Trust and Estate Principles of Law. We are One. E Pluribus Unum 

SF 181 Race And National Origin Pdf
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The Moorish Americans are lawfully recognized members of the American states. Whose economic classification, according to the SF-181 COMMERICAL STATUS FORM, is White (Pure and Clean), recognizing the ancient Moorish Dominions of North Africa, Central Asia and Europe. Pre 1492 Moslem Empire territories. The Moorish Americans are the descendants of those Moorish Estates, which ordained and established the Moor Perfect Union Constitution for America. The posterity of the Founders of American Civilization. The Moorish Ummah, or Society, consists of those indigenous peoples of America with birthright inherited Title descending from this African, European and Asian World Trust Indenture. To be a More, all one must recognize and profess, is that they acknowledge and agree to the Uniform Economic Security Practices prescribed by the One Author, according to Islamic culture and Sufic traditions. Your skin, your hair, your eye color, neither your haplo group, can determine the Economic Status of any man or woman, fowl, beast or any creepy thing, etc. 

What determines the Character of a Moorish Heir, is the submission to Moorish Universal Sciences of Economy. All one need to be accepted as a Moslem, anywhere in the world, is the pledging of allegiance to the Faith of The Most High Ruler, and imitating its activism through the One Worthy of the Most High's Trust.

We are Mohammadan

Ash hadu an Laa ilaaha illa Allaah waHduhu laa shareeka lahu Wa Ash hadu Anna Mohammadan Al 'Abduhu wa Rasooluhu


The Islamic Economical Reform Organization has existed in the American Lands since before the common era, and Morocco particularly has been identified not only as a primary ally to, but THEE ISSUER of Authorization of American Institutional Government. Treaties made prior to the adoption of said Constitution are Common Law of the Land. 

The Moorish Americans are the Moors of America, the primogeniture inherent birthright heirs and true possessors of the American Estate. And recognize all of their forefathers Divine and National Principles of Honor, respecting all fellowmen as they require for themselves the same from them.

We are Peaceful Private American State National Citizens of the Union Republic Administration of Power, a Dejure Jurisdiction. Freemen and law-abiders, professors of the Law of God's Full Faith and Creed.


Moors are men, upright, independent and fearless who care for their loved ones and follow the Prophet to a destiny which is not uncertain nor unknown. They are fortified by the impregnable doctrine built upon Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice. It is therefore, folly at its greatest height, for smelly culprits with their insidious plans to invade such realm. They try and try, but their own bad planning brings down wrath upon their heads like the sword old Damocles had. Intrigue and scurrilous cunnings find a difficult path to travel within the "ranks of the Moors". This is so because the Moorish Movement has been well planned by Prophet Noble Drew Ali, whose latent powers are abundant, unknown and may be called into action, as a matter of defense, at any moment. Prophet Noble Drew Ali knows the people "within his ranks" who are interested. They are the VANGUARD of the Movement as the Moorish hordes increase here in America. All of the Moors are active not passive. A member's interest can only be in one direction, and having traveled over the road years before, the Prophet knows where every member is along the road.

*A few feet below is "another road" where schemers work, where traitors grin, and culprits bask in the sun. "They THINK they are on the SAME road with 'TRUE' Moors", but the Moors are high above on a pinnacle, where they might view the destructionists as they fall for the last time and their bones bleach in the sultry mid-day sun. Hungry scavengers flying high, catch scent, devour and leave crying out: Caveat Emptor - - cast out the dead carcass.

**The Moors high above see these plotters, purveyors, the worst that exist, hurl themselves downward by their own works as the hawks wait.**

The practice of Segregation within the ranks is strictly prohibited by Moslem Law. 

According to the Prophet, the New Moors' Movement will be the unfoldment of His Divine and National Movement.

The Old Moors' Movement will not longer have motion, because the New Order, which IS The Ancient Order, will have convened lawfully.

The Old Moors will be able to join, but may not hold the ranks of Officials in THIS Movement.

The Holy Spirit Is Upon Us 

~Mehmed The Restorer~